Self-Service & Kundenportale

Use customer portals in B2B commerce

With the help of customer portals including store functionality, you can provide your customers with 24/7 service and take the pressure off your sales department.

In today's digital world, fast and efficient services are crucial for B2B companies. With digital self-service commerce solutions, you can significantly reduce the manual effort involved in processing orders and inquiries. Faster response times and personalized information for your customers increase their satisfaction and your revenue.


Increased efficiency

A high level of manual effort in processing orders and inquiries can slow down your business. With digital self-service solutions, you can automate this process and increase your efficiency.


Improved response times

Slow response times to customer inquiries and orders can lead to customer dissatisfaction. With our digital self-service portal, you can respond to inquiries more quickly, thus increasing customer satisfaction.


Personalized offers

Providing personalized information and offers can be a challenge. With the right self-service solution, you can offer individualized deals to your customers, thus increasing your conversion rate and revenue.

Increase your revenue.

Inefficient processes and high manual efforts result in high costs. With a digital self-service portal, you can significantly reduce these costs.

Furthermore, you can reach customers around the clock and location-independently. This expands your market reach and can lead to an increase in your revenue.

Enhance Your Customer Satisfaction

Slow response times and inadequate customer support can diminish your revenue. Improved order processing and faster response times, on the other hand, lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

With our self-service portal, you can increase customer satisfaction as many tasks can be quickly handled by customers themselves.

We accompany you on the journey into the digital future

Our work packages are diverse and coordinated.



Identification of improvement opportunities through the examination of current processes and systems.



Design of a user-friendly interface and strategy creation for the digital customer portal.



Integration of various e-commerce features into the customer portal.



Creation of mechanisms for providing individual offers and information to customers.


Scaling strategy

Development of a plan to improve the flexibility and scalability of the self-service system.


Optimization & Support

Providing continuous support and care to ensure long-term smooth usage.

Moreover, these companies rely on our expertise.