CMS & Digital Experience Platforms

Digital success through corporate websites and digital platforms

Customer-centred digital platforms that visibly support your business success.

At the centre of a successful digital business for your company is an outstanding corporate website combined with compelling content. We design, develop and implement unique digital experiences that inspire and retain your B2B target group.

Your corporate website is not just a digital presence, but an important interaction platform for your customers.

At TOWA, we provide you with holistic support for these challenges with regard to your corporate website or digital experience platform (DXP), from selecting the right system to conceptualisation and design creation through to development with the right technology for you. We also support you in the areas of content and content creation as well as SEO optimisation.

We offer all of this from a single source with integrated teams as an all-round solution. For us, it goes without saying that we take your most important business goals into account and align the platform accordingly.


Integrated solutions

We think in terms of holistic solutions for your corporate website or platform, based on your goals and our experience. Our expertise ranges from design and content to programming and search engine optimisation (SEO). We offer an all-round solution to ensure that your online presence not only looks impressive, but is also powerful and search engine friendly.


Projects in record time

We know that time is of the essence. That's why we prioritise efficiency and can deliver your project in just 3 months if necessary - from start to launch. We take the work off your hands and ensure that you can focus on your core business while we take care of the digital success:


State-of-the-art technologies

Whether it's a corporate website with an app feel, headless CMS, microservices or a digital experience platform - we use the latest technologies in a targeted manner to create complex, future-proof solutions and special experiences.

TOWA's experience from hundreds of successful website projects for your new corporate presence.

Whether it's a new website as a central hub for corporate presentation and as the digital centre of sales and marketing communication, or for several national subsidiaries and brands: We know the typical challenges and requirements of B2B companies in particular.

A new design has been developed or the website technology previously used is no longer sufficient for the growing requirements internally and from customers, the goal is clear:

A fast, secure and future-proof new company website.

We focus on the needs of your target groups and the requirements of internal stakeholders, help you choose the right technology and interpret the corporate design for the digital world.

We consider improvements in SEO and content as well as the optimal usability of internal editors.

Brand strategy and user experience

Your website is more than just an online presence. It is the digital extension of your brand and the centrepiece of your digital communication and sales activities.

Thanks to modern front-end development, we go beyond design. Our programmers not only create your desired look, but also high-quality animations and page transitions that make your brand unmistakable.

Concept: Strategy development for digital experiences

UI/UX design: user-centred design approaches

Content: Development of convincing content concepts

Content management: reliability, simplicity and scalability

We rely on modern and market-leading CMS systems to implement customised features and publishing processes to make content management fun again.

  • Selection of future-proof technologies with a focus on MACH architectures (microservices, API services, cloud-native, headless)

  • Ensuring security and data protection

  • Seamless integration into existing system landscapes

  • Development of simple and effective modules & templates for fast and secure production of new websites and landing pages

Content that convinces and converts:

Good content puts the user at the centre and promotes your business goals at the same time.

  • Development of a targeted content strategy for target groups and the various buying centres

  • Content production with added value

  • Ongoing content optimisation based on performance data using A/B testing and evaluation of website analytics

  • Technical and content SEO optimisation

  • Integration of clear call-2-actions in sales

The basis for a good website and easy editing of content for marketing and internal editors:

An enterprise content management system.

TOWA is a partner of various CMS (Content Management System) and DXP (Digital Experience Management) technologies and is prepared for every requirement in terms of design, content, integration and objectives of your corporate website.

We rely in particular on enterprise providers who offer a wide range of services with their systems and thus support professional implementation and guarantee secure operation.

Storyblok: The new generation of CMS systems

Orchestration of outstanding digital websites with first-class security and performance. With Storyblok, you not only get a website, but also a tool that grows with your company. Your individual technical solution is well thought out by us from conception to realisation and guarantees lasting success.

The state-of-the-art visual editor greatly simplifies content maintenance in the Storyblok backend and Storyblok greatly increases the speed of content creation.

Advantages of Storyblok:
  • Headless CMS

  • Enterprise Security

  • Visual Editor & Preview

  • Component libraries & digital asset management

  • Omnichannel publishing

  • Personalisation and localisation

Digital Experience Plattforms

The Pimcore CMS is a web content management platform and DXP (Digital Experience Platform) that provides an integrated experience management solution to seamlessly connect content and commerce. It has outstanding features for single-source and multi-channel publishing. This platform simplifies the management, updating and publishing of personalised content as well as the integration of data from different sources in an efficient way.

With Pimcore, you can create sophisticated and comprehensive digital experiences for your customers. This is done across all output channels, all from a single user-friendly application. This application not only supports web and mobile, but also apps, social media channels and, last but not least, print media.

Digital experience platform designed for B2B

Ibexa Experience is a modern modular Digital Experience Platform (DXP) for building outstanding customer experiences. It is designed specifically for B2B organisations that want to go beyond content management and website creation to create seamless, memorable experiences for their customers and partners. Ibexa offers extensive features for multisite personalisation and dynamic content deployment.

These companies also rely on our expertise

Beratung, Implementierung und Service für Ihre neuen Unternehmens-Webseite

Leistet ihre Webseite diese Anforderungen?

  • 1.

    Auf die Bedürfnisse Ihre Kunden zugeschnitten?

    Wir sorgen für relevanten Content, ansprechende User Experience und dass ihre Unternehmensmarke und Ihre Produkte / Services digital ansprechend und erlebbar werden. Personalisierung, Individualisierung von Inhalten, Dynamische Anzeige von Seiten und hilfreiche Services auf der Webseite helfen Kunden bei ihrer Informatiossuche richtig zu leiten, zu gewinnen und zu behalten.

  • 2.

    Aktuelle Technologien im Einsatz?

    Die Webesite ist Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Unternehmenskommunikation. Schnittstellen (oder die Integration) des Onlineshops, die Anzeige aller Produkt- und Serviceleistungen und Einbindung von CRM für Sales sollten die Basis sein. Hosting und Verfügbarkeit der Webseite sollten kein Thema sein. Qualität bei der Technologie und Wartung/Hosting zahlen sich aus.

  • 3.

    Interne Nutzer als Prüfstein

    Ihre Contentredakteure und Entwickler sollen von der Leistungsfähigkeit und den Funktionen überzeugt sein, neue Inhalte mit wenigen, überschaubaren Handgriffen auf der Webseite veröffentlich können und Daten für Reportings bieten. Sales erhält nutzbare Signale von potentiellen Interessenten und konkrete, qualifizierte Leads von der Webseite.

  • 4.

    Neue Märkte, Marken oder Geschäftsmodelle lassen sich einfach erstellen?

    Die Umsetzung von neuen Markenwebseiten oder neuen Märkten bei der Internationalisierung sollte keine Herausforderung sein - zumindest nicht bei der Webseite. Neue Geschäftsmodelle sollten digital einfach abzubilden und zu testen sein.