Order Management

Optimize your order processes

Increase customer satisfaction and the efficiency of your company through improved order management and digitalized order processing.

We support you in the design and implementation of order management and order fulfillment solutions. Meet new customer expectations, increase your warehouse efficiency and impress your customers with professional order processing and transparent delivery of your products and services.


Transparent processes

A lack of transparency in the ordering process can be an obstacle. With a clear view of the processes, you can better manage your decentralized warehouses and supply chains.


Automated processes

Manual and error-prone processes lead to delays. Automation helps to avoid these errors and speed up your processes.


Integrated management

Coordinating ordering processes across different locations and suppliers can be complex. With an integrated strategy, you can master this challenge.

Maximize customer satisfaction

Lost customers due to incorrect orders or late deliveries can affect your sales. Optimize your order management and order fulfillment to provide an outstanding customer experience.

Efficient stock utilization

Inefficient use of stock leads to higher costs and unnecessary capital commitment. In addition, manual effort and increased resource requirements can affect your efficiency.

By automating ordering and warehouse management processes, you can save resources and improve your profitability through efficient inventory management.

Automate complex order processing

In times of cost optimization and a shortage of skilled workers, the manual processing of orders is an unnecessary cost driver. We support you in order processing with professional and digitalized order management.

We know the use cases and edge cases - whether product and service bundling, multiple warehouses, complex transportation and loading logic or collaboration between brands and distribution partners. We know and master the edge cases.

We accompany you from concept to implementation



Analysis of the current ordering and delivery process and identification of specific customer requirements and pain points.


Conception & planning

Development of a customized solution strategy for order management and order fulfillment paired with the best customer experience.


System selection & configuration

Selection, customization and configuration of a suitable Order Management System (OMS) as well as relevant accompanying technologies & integration concepts.


Integration & automation

Integration of the OMS into the existing IT landscape and automation of order processes. Embedded in commerce, sales and marketing.


Workshops & Change Management

Conducting training for the client's team to learn how to use the new OMS and to promote acceptance of the new processes.


Monitoring & optimization

Continuous monitoring of processes and performance indicators after implementation, as well as optimization measures to improve performance.

Successful order management projects