Enterprise Marketplace

Revolutionise your business model with the help of a marketplace.

Expand your product portfolio and integrate your suppliers into your platform to tap into new growth potential.

Enterprise marketplaces open up new potential for B2B business and collaboration with customers and suppliers. We help you to utilise this potential. By designing, developing and implementing a customised marketplace solution, challenges such as identifying new business partners, complex technical integrations and lack of traction can be overcome.


Larger selection

With the help of Enterprise Marketplaces, you can identify new business partners and expand your product portfolio and supplier network.


Higher availability

Thanks to the integration of different suppliers, you improve your availability without tying up additional capital. You become the order broker.


Backend Integration

We support you in the integration and adaptation of back-end processes when working with suppliers and their data.

Extend your reach

Without the use of an Enterprise Marketplace, you may be reliant on traditional sales channels that limit your reach. With a customised Enterprise Marketplace, you can fully exploit your potential.

Increase your sales

An Enterprise Marketplace enables you to expand your customer base, tap into new markets, optimise the procurement process and generate revenue shares through marketplace transactions.

We accompany you from the conception to the development and realisation.

Our work packages are varied and coordinated.



Development of a customised strategy for your Enterprise Marketplace.


Partnership building

Support in identifying and integrating new business partners.


Technical integration

Ensuring seamless integration of the Marketplace into your existing systems.


Visibility optimisation

Creation of strategies to increase your visibility and reach.


Sales optimisation

Implementation of measures to increase sales and open up new markets.


Support & Maintenance

Ongoing support and optimisation of the marketplace after launch.

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