Business & Service Design

Digital transformation with innovative models

Use the power of digitalization to develop new business models and offer innovative services.

We see business and service design as a key lever for the successful digital transformation of companies. Our experts work with you to develop innovative business strategies that make your company fit for the future in the digital era. We are also happy to help you optimize your organization to meet the challenges of new technologies and customer requirements.


Holistic transformation

We not only design digital solutions, but also accompany the entire transformation process to ensure long-term success.


Individual solutions

We develop customized strategies based on your specific business objectives and resources.


Industry expertise

With many years of experience in various industries, we are the ideal partner for successful digital business models and sustainable transformations.

Innovative business models for sustainable success

Our experts analyze your existing business processes and develop innovative models that are based on future-proof technologies and focus on the needs of your customers.

We identify new business opportunities for you, develop digital revenue models and integrate disruptive technologies so that your company remains agile and fit for the future.

Agile organizational structures for maximum adaptability

We support you in transforming your organization so that you can react quickly to market changes. Our experts implement agile methods and processes that enable the efficient use of digital resources.

Our services at a glance:
  • Introduction of agile working methods

  • Cultural change for digital agility

  • Structuring of cross-functional teams

Service design from the customer's perspective: creating an optimal user experience

Wir legen den Fokus auf die Gestaltung von Services, die Ihre Kund:innen begeistern. Unsere Expert:innen analysieren Nutzerbedürfnisse, um maßgeschneiderte digitale Services zu entwickeln und zu implementieren.

Unsere Kernleistungen auf einen Blick:
  • User Experience Design

  • Kundenzentrierte Prozessoptimierung

  • Implementierung datenbasierter Service-Verbesserungen

We accompany you from the assessment to the implementation of the strategy, right through to ongoing optimization


Analysis & requirements survey

By developing an in-depth understanding of your business model and the external (market, trends, customer needs) and internal influences (stakeholders, partners, management, etc.), we create clarity about problems and opportunities.


Transformation strategies

Based on an in-depth analysis using various methods (data, studies, interviews, etc.), we develop a customized strategy for your digital growth and long-term digital success.


Technology consulting

We help you select and implement future-oriented technologies that support your digital transformation. In doing so, we take both internal and external requirements into account.


Change Management

We accompany the organizational change for a smooth transformation. Both as an external partner and as an integrated team member. Depending on your needs and objectives.


Service design & implementation

Conception, design and implementation of new digital and scalable solutions that meet the needs of your customers, ensure the development of long-term customer relationships and grow with your company.


Monitoring & Support

Ongoing support and mentoring to ensure that your digital innovations are successful and continuously improved.

These companies also rely on our expertise