Tracking & Web Analytics

Efficient tracking meets GDPR compliance

Insights that matter: Capture, analyze, and protect your website data.

In the digital age, data is the key to informed business decisions. With our tracking & web analytics solutions, we provide you with reliable insights that are GDPR-compliant.


Data & Insights

We offer you a team of experts who combine technology and business focus.


GDPR compliant

We are aware of all the latest legal requirements in implementation and data analysis.


Custom solutions

We offer flexible analytics solutions with a high degree of customization to meet the challenges of your business.

Bring order to the data jungle

We assist you in identifying the right frameworks for data collection and defining the right goals for your website, shop, etc.

  • Development of the right conversions and events

  • Integration of analytics into your overall strategy

  • Evaluation of the tracking software used

Technological excellence

A robust tracking system is the foundation for reliable data. Our technical expertise ensures that your system is accurate, efficient, and GDPR-compliant.

  • Setup and optimization of Google Analytics and Matomo

  • Solutions to prevent data distortions

  • Implementation of e-commerce tracking

  • Integration of tracking pixels from third-party providers and advertising platforms

GDPR & Consent Management

In an era of digital transparency, data protection is not only a legal requirement but also a sign of responsibility towards customers. We ensure that your web analytics adhere to the highest privacy standards.

  • Implementation of Consent Management Tools in accordance with GDPR

  • Consultation on the correct integration of tracking tools while considering privacy policies

  • Training and workshops on data protection and web analytics

  • Ongoing review and adjustment of privacy settings

Gain valuable insights from your data

Data is only as valuable as the insights it provides. Our team transforms complex data into clear, actionable insights. Technical workshops on Business Intelligence.

  • Creation of reports and analysis with Power BI

  • Identification of insights from data to improve your digital services.

  • Personalized reporting to meet management needs

  • Ad-hoc analysis for specific business questions

We support you from concept to implementation of web analytics.

Our work packages are versatile and individually tailored.


GDPR-compliant web tracking

Secure and GDPR-compliant handling of your web data.


Custom dashboards

Real-time insights into your KPIs, tailored to your needs


Team training

Empowerment through knowledge of how to use analytics tools


Data integrity verification

Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of your data


Conversion optimization

Boost your online results through data-driven adjustments


Technical implementation

Integration of tracking frameworks and advertising pixels

These companies also trust our expertise

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