
Wordpress the leading CMS Framework Worldwide

All-rounder for corporate websites and publishing platforms.

We took the most widely used CMS system in the world, integrated modern development processes and packed automation mechanisms on top of it.

What came out of it? A development framework that we can tailor individually to our customers.


of all websites use Wordpress


leader on the market since then


Blog Posts

per seconds are published on Wordpress

Unlimited possibilities

WordPress is the most widely used system for running websites in the world, accounting for about 43% of all websites. Thus, WordPress holds 20% of the entire Internet.

Due to the prevalence and high usage of WordPress, the system has a user experience that has been tested millions of times. WordPress relies on a strong developer community, which constantly pushes and improves the CMS system.

Why is it different with us? WordPress meets Custom Development

WordPress is an open source system, which expands the possibilities for its use. Thanks to our modern project setup, based on roots.io/bedrock, we can implement projects efficiently and quickly. We work with technologies like webpack, SASS and vuejs. Due to the existing community standard, we can automate development processes and present solutions in a timely manner.

How do we work with Wordpress for our customers?

With our development framework, we specifically address the needs and business domains of our customers. All functions and administration areas can be individually adapted to your needs. This means you don't have to cut corners and adapt to new processes.

In doing so, we continue to develop standards to make simple tasks more efficient and implement the actual challenges in high quality. Our modular building system allows us to work efficiently and with high quality while building your content dynamically.

Our Wordpress Highlights

Successful WordPress projects done by TOWA.

WordPress Wissen von TOWA 🤓

Unsere Highlights aus dem Knowledge Center.