🎯 Hubspot

A modern platform for Marketing Automation & Digital Sales.

Marketing Automation, CRM, Website & Online Marketing from one tool.

Get started quickly, lean & simple.

HubSpot enables digital marketing quickly. Understandable and user-centric, this CRM platform provides all the tools your business needs. Whether it's marketing, sales, customer service, content management, or business process automation, each hub is powerful on its own - all hubs together are unbeatable.




degree customer view


apps on the marketplace

One CRM platform for the entire company

TOWA is a Solutions Partner of HubSpot and relies on the powerful Hub with a central data platform. Especially in the midmarket for B2B and B2C, Hubspot excels in the overarching use of contacts, content and automations for typical marketing and sales requirements.

CRM at its core supports digital communication

HubSpot offers centralized customer processing based on data. A modern CRM complemented by hubs for marketing, sales, CMS systems, operations, and service supports you in lead generation and management as well as with SEO, email marketing and social media, dealflow and controlling, customer service and chatbot use, website creation and maintenance, and automation of workflows and marketing activities.

Why HubSpot?

Flexibility, various relevant tools for growth with the system as well as licenses and modular hubs make HubSpot a modern and powerful one-stop solution.

In addition, the HubSpot App Marketplace offers over 800 integrations and apps for quick implementation and synchronization of applications (e.g. email from GMail or O365, Slack, LinkedIn or event management) as well as system integrations (ERP, CRM, backend, data, payment).

Marketing, sales, service and operations - working together to improve the buyer journey.

Ideally, all customer-facing teams work together efficiently to make the Customer & Buyer Journey as optimal as possible.

From dream to reality

Often, the customer experience is disrupted by inefficient processes and/or a lack of coordination between different departments. This can affect the following points in the buyer journey, for example: Generating Leads, Converting Leads to Customers, or Turning Customers into Fans.

To simplify business processes, it needs consistent and complete customer data. We help you make this a reality with HubSpot.

Our marketing automation projects

Successful projects in the digital transformation of marketing & sales.