
Stefanie Tassold

Scrum Master

Sarcastic - multilingual - childishly enthusiastic

Bad jokes, puns (that nobody understands), ... that's our Steffi! As a Scrum Master, she is not only a master of communication, but also values transculturalism and inclusion. She also loves to fill out Excel spreadsheets and is an avid retro board fan.

Born in Upper Austria, her Spanish-Arabic translation studies took her to Graz, Spain and Jordan. Her volunteer work in Guatemala and her help with the refugee project 'Auslandseinsatz in Vorarlberg', which has lasted longer than she originally thought, underline her willingness to help and her transculturalism. After all her travels abroad, she came to the Bregenz office, where she now uses her language skills as a Scrum Master. As a grammar freak, Steffi supports the statement: "Ortography is not a disease!"


hour of music daily


Hours of sleep essential


Languages daily at least in use

aaand we've got more

đź‘€ Karriere @ TOWA

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