
Stefan Boigner

Partner & Standortleiter Wien

Pragmatic - Humorous - Analytical

Yes, that's Salesforce Stefan. He has been helping to build the Salesforce unit since September 2018. With the credo of finding the best solution for every customer, he doesn't take the easy way out. Customer focus comes at a price.

While still at school, Stefan developed a desire to combine IT and business in his future career. And because Stefan is a consistent type, he went on to study business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WU Wien) after completing the HTL for IT. With all these acronyms, it's no surprise that he ended up successfully in the CRM environment. First in large companies, then as a CRM consultant. Stefan has been a Salesforce specialist since 2013 and is always looking for new challenges to master. How does he juggle family, golf and work? Well, Stefan is a true CRM professional.


Rounds of golf played


Children play with him


forgot to share a third fact about himself.

aaand we've got more

👀 Karriere @ TOWA

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