
Manuel Kuhn


Astute - Pragmatic - Inspiring

Strategic planner at TOWA since the beginning of 2017. Target group and competition analyses are the main part of his work, as well as the resulting conclusions for creation and online marketing.

Manuel is a sporty guy: black belt in PowerPoint (male), 1st place in target group tracking (long distance) and record holder in free diving. This directly qualifies him to set the strategic direction for graphic and content concepts. He has successfully defended this title since 2017. In his free time, he enjoys sports and friends. You visit the planner from the Stuttgart area more often after discovering the following inequality: Driving distance < leisure activities at Lake Constance.


bad jokes per day


He crosses national borders every day


is the number that brought him to advertising

aaand we've got more

👀 Karriere @ TOWA

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