
Julius Wuhnsen

Creative Director & Head of Design

Bold - Committed - Nice

As Creative Director & Head of Design, Julius is responsible for leading the design team and the strategy + design of excellent digital products.

Having successfully completed a dual degree at a visual communications agency, Julius has always had an eye for the big picture and a love of detail. He is very interested in the interplay between visual art direction and user-centred experience to make digital products truly successful. Outside of work, he loves spending time with good food, friends, salsa and travelling with his beautiful half.


Largest at TOWA


Melange during the day


Photo Views

aaand we've got more

👀 Karriere @ TOWA

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Bei uns wirst du dich und deine Talente entfalten, dein Wissen und deine Fähigkeiten einbringen und von anderen lernen.

👀 Let’s talk

Wir freuen uns über Deine Nachricht!

Wir kombinieren Softwareentwicklung, UX- und UI-Design, Qualitätssicherung und Beratung.