
Cornelia Zumtobel

Director Agile Transformation & Delivery

Moody - Humorous - Motivated

As a certified product owner and member of the Scrum Club Dornbirn, Cornelia supports project management. She is also characterised by determination and willpower.

When the Internet was still in its infancy, Cornelia was already putting it together. Then she insisted that it learn to run: she programmed Action Script, created print data in InDesign and designed websites in Fireworks. Since then Conny has been on the road: Graz, Dornbirn and all over the Scrum world. As part of the Scrum Club Core Team she tries to make the world more agile. She has been optimising her own agility with yoga for a decade. Depending on the season you can find her in the water or in the snow. She is also careful to use gender-appropriate language.


Removals so far


minutes yoga per day


once a year in Graz

aaand we've got more

đź‘€ Karriere @ TOWA

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