
Alessandra Längle

Senior Digital Consultant

Systematic - goal-orientated - empathetic

Alessandra has been on board since 2018 and holds the reins in the Consulting and Project Lead department.

Alessandra almost became South African, but made it to the country in time. Driven by a prenatal desire to travel, Alessandra is drawn from one place to another - and always back home. After her A-levels, she travelled to the USA and then to Vienna to study. After graduating, she returned to the country. With plenty of experience, internships and a passport bursting with visas in her luggage. Even on her daily commute home, Alessandra doesn't miss out on a little 1 PS trip on Parabela. We can't wait to see when Alessandra's next trip finally starts.

LinkedIn: Alessandra Längle


minutes from work to the stable.


is her absolute favourite number


she was born

aaand we've got more

👀 Karriere @ TOWA

Auf der Suche nach einer neuen Herausforderung?

Bei uns wirst du dich und deine Talente entfalten, dein Wissen und deine Fähigkeiten einbringen und von anderen lernen.

👀 Let’s talk

Wir freuen uns über Deine Nachricht!

Wir kombinieren Softwareentwicklung, UX- und UI-Design, Qualitätssicherung und Beratung.